Do Rabbits Eat Yarrow?

Yes, rabbits can eat yarrow. Yarrow is one of the safest flowers you can feed your little furry bunny.

It makes for an organic meal and is excellent at giving your bunny a taste of the wild.

However, your pet may not like it much due to its texture. Though the good news is that there are many other plant choices that you can feed your little friend.

Rabbits Love Feasting on Yarrow

Rabbits were initially feral creatures that inhabited the wilderness and sustained on wild plants.

Due to this, they are inherently inclined towards plants and enjoy munching on crunchy leaves and petals. 

In other words, if you have a bunny friend and they love to nibble on the plants in your yard, it shouldn’t surprise you because their ancestors survived and thrived on foraged plant species. 

That said, it is worth noticing that rabbits do not like every plant that ends up before them.

Since they are herbivores, many people assume that bunnies will enjoy every flower and plant you put in front of them. However, that’s not true. 

While bunnies are not picky eaters per se, they do have some preferences that determine which plant variety they’d take over others.

For example, blackberry bramble, yarrow, chickweed, clover, cow parsley, common agrimony, cranisble, and dandelion, among others, are all plants that rabbits love and enjoy feasting on.

Contrary to these green flower species, there are many plants that bunnies don’t like, such as ragwort, ivy privet, etc.

Being pet parents, knowing which flowers and plants your little bun-bun can have is essential otherwise, you might end up feeding a toxic variety to your pet.

With that in mind, we decided to go over a list of suitable garden plants you can have in your yard for your bunny.

Also read: Do Rabbits Eat Begonias?

Other Plants Safe for Bunny Consumption

While there are endless plants rabbits can feast on, these are among the top options when it comes to giving bunnies some plantation to eat. 


Roses are not only soothing for your eyes but also for your bunny’s tum-tum. It’s an established fact that a rose is a surefire way to bring a smile to someone’s face.

This means if you plant it at home, you will have an endless supply of cheerful flowers at your disposal, but that’s not all!

Your rabbit will also appreciate a rose plant in your garden as they can eat its leaves, twigs, branches, and flowers without straining their digestive tract.

Rabbits have a delicate gut that is easily disturbed if not given the right food choices.

Therefore, choosing edible plants safe for your bunny is a must if you want to ensure your pet remains healthy. In that regard, roses are a big yes! 

Oh, and one incredible thing about these red flowers is that they make for an absolutely delicious treat for rabbits.

You can either dry them up or serve them fresh, and your little fur child will be over the moon with the burst of flavor in their mouth.


Delicate dandelions are not just safe for bunnies but also incredibly nutritious. They are loaded with vitamin A that’s extraordinarily beneficial for a rabbit’s bodily systems.

So unlike any other plant that may not be toxic but also doesn’t have much nourishment, dandelions are an excellent source of healthy nutrition for bunnies.

All parts of a dandelion plant are safe for your bunny.

Be it the stem, flowers, or leaves, you can let your furball have a buffet feast to gobble up when dandelions sprout up on your lawn.


The glorious yellow sunflower is another plant variety bunnies like to munch on whenever they get the chance.

It is safe from top to bottom, meaning your little fuzzy pal can have any bit of it they want, including stems, flowers, leaves, etc.

That said, be sure to control the number of sunflower plants you offer your pet, as sunflower seeds are high in fat and can cause problems for your rabbit’s digestive tract.

So, don’t let your furry friend go all out in the garden if you grow sunflowers because that can be bad for their health. 


Mint species under the family name mentha are edible and safe for bunnies. Besides these, you can find perilla mint, but that’s toxic and can even be deadly for bunnies.

Therefore, when planting mint seeds, be sure you pick the right family. 

Mint plants that your fuzzy friend can have include spearmint, peppermint, and even chocolate mint. This means you can give them treats made with mint.

However, don’t give them candies and gums as those have a high amount of sugar that is harmful to a rabbit’s gut.


While the entire daisy plant is nontoxic and can be eaten by bunnies, its leaves are nutritious and make for a better, more wholesome food option for bunnies.

Daisy leaves are a decent source of protein, so if you have the said plant at home, try only to give its leaves to your tiny bun-bun.


The willow tree has all nontoxic parts for bunnies to consume, including its bark, wood, leaves, and flowers.

In fact, its wood is more often than not used to make rabbit toys. This means bunnies can chew on the wooden item without risking their health. 

Moreover, willow flowers and leaves are good for rabbits, so you can let your pet have those, and the best part is that they can be served fresh or dry. Either way, your bun-bun will be safe from any allergic reaction.


This violet flower is yet another plant variety that’s completely safe for rabbits. Besides being nontoxic, lavender is reported to be a relaxing agent for rabbits.

Since bunnies are naturally high-strung and get upset at the smallest of things, giving them lavender can be a good call. That said, many rabbits avoid eating it due to its powerful fragrance and texture.

If you still wish to give your fuzzy bud lavender to keep them at peace, you can mix it up with some other ingredients that will block its scent and hide the prickly texture.

However, bear in mind that you must feed your pet lavender treats in moderation, as too much of those can be harmful to your little friend’s digestive system.


Last on our list is yarrow is among the nontoxic plant varieties your bunny can eat.

It’s a rugged wild plant with white, pink, red, or yellow-colored flowers arranged in circular clusters. It grows well in the summer as it requires a generous amount of sunlight.

While yarrow is consumable, it’s not the first plant choice for many bunnies primarily due to its texture.

That means even if you grow it, the chances are that your bunny may not eat it. So, you might want to go for the other plant options mentioned in this article for your pet.

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