What Human Foods Can Rabbits Eat?

Have you ever wondered if your furry rabbit friend can enjoy some of the same foods you do?

As a loving rabbit owner, it’s essential to understand what human foods are safe for your bunny to eat (and the ones you should give in moderation or completely avoid).

Rabbits have unique nutritional needs, and certain human foods provide them with beneficial vitamins, minerals, and fiber, while others can be harmful.

In this article, we’ll explore some human foods that rabbits can safely munch on. As you read, you’ll learn about various fruits, vegetables, and other treats that can be a part of your rabbit’s balanced diet.

Keep in mind that moderation is key when introducing new foods to your pet rabbit, and it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian for advice specific to your bunny’s health.

Understanding Rabbit’s Digestive System

Rabbits have unique digestive systems that allow them to efficiently process the fiber-rich foods they eat.

Their digestive systems include a single stomach, small intestines with jejunum and ileum sections, and large intestines with the cecum and a specialized colon that helps retain good fibers.

Fiber is essential for a rabbit’s health, as it supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and helps prevent dangerous gastrointestinal (GI) stasis.

To ensure your rabbit gets enough fiber, you should feed them a diet consisting of roughly 80% hay, which mimics the grass that wild rabbits consume.

In addition to hay, rabbits can also enjoy human foods like fruits and vegetables.

Keep in mind that while it’s okay to give your bunny these fresh foods, they should only make up about 10 to 20% of their overall diet.

Some of the safe human foods that rabbits can eat are:

  • Blueberries
  • Arugula
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Endives
  • Carrots and carrot tops
  • Apples
  • Dark leafy vegetables

Remember, when introducing any new food to your rabbit’s diet, do it slowly and watch for any signs of digestive distress or changes in their behavior. Additionally, always consult your veterinarian if you have concerns about your rabbit’s dietary needs.

Human Food’s Rabbits Can Eat

Let’s now look at specific vegetables and fruits that are common in human diet and are also a good option for your rabbit.

Note: As I mentioned earlier, rabbit’s diet needs to be 80% hay, and these human foods should only be given in moderation


An apple a day won’t always keep the veterinarian away, but raw apple slices and apple peels are great foods for rabbits.

For rabbits, and for people, a lot of the nutritional value of an apple is in the peel. It contains a plant chemical called quercetin.

Chemically, quercetin is a lot like an antihistamine called cromolyn sodium. It stops allergies to fleas that can make rabbits miserable.

You would still need to treat for fleas, but at least your rabbit would not feel itchy and scratchy when the fleas are not even there.

Feed your rabbit apple slices, without the seeds (they contain prussic acid, which turns into cyanide). Or give your rabbit the peelings when you eat apples.

Also read: Can Rabbits Drink Apple Juice?

Arugula (Rocket Leaves)

Rabbits usually love nibbling on arugula—but sometimes they don’t,

Arugula is a member of the cabbage family. It is closely related to broccoli, cabbage, and kale.

This plant makes a group of sulfur compounds known as isothiocyanates.

Sometimes, these chemicals taste like radishes. They can have almost no taste at all. Or they can be hotter than cayenne pepper.

Rabbits are OK with the radish level of spiciness but not the hot pepper level. The older the leaf, and the dryer the conditions under which it was grown, the hotter it will taste.

Isothiocyanates short-circuit one of the processes through which cancer cells grow. Cancer in rabbits is not common, but a teaspoon to a tablespoon of arugula every week supports health of your rabbit.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Beet Leaves?


Rabbits love to nibble on grasses. And asparagus, you may be surprised to learn, is a member of the grass family.

Asparagus is not a nutritional powerhouse, but it is a good source of fiber.

Your rabbit hosts prebiotic bacteria that perform the transformational feat of changing fiber into fatty acids that give your pet sustained energy for hopping and playing and finding food all day.

You can give your rabbit cooked asparagus without the salt, butter, bacon, or other additions humans use to make it tasty. Your rabbit will most enjoy nibbling on a stalk of asparagus directly from your hand.

You do not need to snap off the tough end of the stalk. Your bunny will eat it, too.

Actually, for your rabbit, the tough end is the best part. You could snap off ends of asparagus, cook the softer end for yourself, and let your rabbit eat the tough end raw.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Plantain?


Rabbits enjoy nibbling on a leaf of basil.

If you keep a pot of basil growing in or near your kitchen, give your rabbit a leaf when you’re harvesting the herb for cooking.

This herb contains a natural chemical called ocimene, which is antifungal, antiviral, and mildly stimulating. One or two leaves occasionally is optimal.

Bell Peppers

If you let your rabbit hop around in your garden, it may sample your bell peppers before you do.

These sweet peppers are a good source of beta-carotene, which the rabbit’s body can transform into vitamin A, fiber, and water,

Red, yellow, and orange bell peppers contain more beta-carotene than green bell peppers. A tiny serving, even just 10 grams (about two teaspoons) is enough.


Blueberries can become your rabbit’s favorite treat.

A blueberry is a little pop of easily digested energy that comes along with water, fiber, and anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins support blood vessel health. They also recharge the pigments in the rabbit’s eyes that allow it to see to feed and to escape predators in twilight at dawn and dusk

One or two blueberries a day is enough.

Also read: Do Rabbits Eat Yarrow?

Bok Choi

Rabbits enjoy every part of the bok choi plant, the crunchier, the better.

Like other members of the cabbage family, bok choi is a great source of fiber and B vitamins, As long as your rabbit is getting mostly hay for its diet, you can give it as much bok choi as you like.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Red Cabbage?

Broccoli Leaves

Even if you like broccoli, chances are that you don’t eat the leaves.

Your rabbit, on the other hand, loves them.

Like their plant cousin arugula, broccoli produces isothiocyanates. They are most abundant, surprisingly enough, in broccoli that has been microwaved, not in raw broccoli.

But don’t microwave broccoli leaves to your rabbit. Serve them raw.

Broccoli leaves are a great source of B vitamins, including folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid.

These leaves provide iron, calcium, and magnesium. They are rich in fiber.

But don’t buy broccoli just to strip off the leaves for your rabbit. Make broccoli leaves an occasional treat for Bunny.

Rabbits also eat the stems and flowering tips, but they prefer the leaves. They will enjoy a part of the plant most people throw away.


Bugs Bunny is wild about carrots.

But Bugs Bunny is a fictional character. Real rabbits like carrots, but they don’t need them for a big part of their diet. A carrot stick a day is enough.

Buy carrots by the bunch, not baby carrots in a bag, so you can share the tops with your rabbit. A carrot stick a day provides your rabbit with all the beta-carotene it needs to make vitamin A for a healthy coat.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Persimmons?


Rabbits enjoy both celery stalks and celery leaves. They will even eat slices of the celery root, celeriac.

But don’t give them the peelings from the root unless you know the plant was grown organically.

Celery is full of fiber, an essential part of every rabbit’s diet, Rabbits enjoy the crunch One 3-inch (8 cm) celery stick is enough.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Money Plant?


Cilantro is the green leaves of the coriander plant. It’s used fresh iin countless dishes in Mexico and across the USA,

Cilantro is a good source of the vitamin K1 that rabbits need to regulate blood clotting. About two teaspoons (10 grams) several times a week is enough.

Rabbits love cilantro stems. They enjoy the leaves, too, of course.

Edible Flowers

Any edible flower you would put on your plate is fine for your rabbit.

Make sure you are giving your rabbit food-grade flowers, not flowers you pick from your flower garden.

The flowers should be fresh, not dried or candied.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Dandelions?

Fennel Fronds

Rabbits enjoy nibbling the fronds on the whole fennel you can buy from the produce section of your supermarket.

The raw bulb, however, is usually too strong for them.


Kale is rich in beta-carotene, lycopene (even though it i not a red vegetable), vitamin K, iron, magnesium, and trace elements. It provides fiber that keeps your rabbit regular.

You can feed your rabbit kale leaves by hand, just as many as it wants, Do not give your rabbit the leftovers of your kale salad made with oily dressings, raisins, or nuts.

The additions we make to kale to make it tasty for us can cause digestive upset in rabbits.


Countless websites will advise rabbit owners not to give their rabbits iceberg lettuce.

The truth is, one or two iceberg lettuce leaves occasionally won’t do your rabbit any harm. Problems come when owners give their rabbits more iceberg lettuce than hay.

Every rabbit needs to be eating mostly hay.

Darker lettuces, such as Romaine, or related plants, such as endive, are more nutritious for your pet. Never give your rabbit any kind of salad dressing or cooked lettuce.

If you notice any kind of white sap oozing from lettuce, do not give it to your rabbit.

This sap contains a chemical that can cause allergic reactions. You are most likely to see it on lettuce from your garden that has been exposed to hot, dry weather.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Thistles?

Pineapple Cores

Pineapple cores, the part of the pineapple people throw away, are a great food for rabbits.

The core of the pineapple is rich in a natural plant chemical called bromelain.

Bromelain dissolves proteins, including the proteins in hair.

When you rabbit grooms itself and swallows its hair, bromelain can prevent the formation of a hairball (which your rabbit cannot cough up).

You eat the sweet and juicy part of the pineapple, and your rabbit eats the fiber-rich, bromelain-rich core. Two or three tablespoons (up to 60 grams) is enough.

Radish Leaves

Do you eat radishes?

Give your rabbits the leaves while you eat the root.

Rabbits can eat the root of the radish, too, but they prefer the leaves. Like other members of the cabbage family, radishes contain antioxidant isothiocyanates that protect against cancer.

Remember, when introducing new fruits to your rabbit’s diet, start with small amounts and monitor their reactions. If they show any signs of digestive upset, discontinue that fruit and consult your veterinarian. Keep in mind that the primary component of your rabbit’s diet should be hay and leafy greens, with fruits offered as occasional treats to maintain their health and happiness.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Spinach?

Integrating Additional Foods into Rabbit’s Diet

Seeds are not a recommended food for rabbits, as they can be difficult to digest and may cause blockage. Stick to fresh fruits and vegetables instead.

Including oatmeal and oats can benefit your rabbit’s diet, but offer them in moderation. These are high in carbohydrates and may lead to weight gain if consumed in large quantities. Cooked, plain oatmeal without added sugar or salt is a better option, and you can even mix in some fresh vegetables for extra nutrients.

Flowers like roses, hibiscus, and lemon balm can be a delightful treat for your rabbit. Just be sure these flowers are free from pesticides and fertilizers. Rinse them thoroughly before feeding.

Dark, leafy greens like collard and other similar vegetables should make up a significant portion of your rabbit’s diet. They are high in fiber, minerals, and vitamins, which contribute to your rabbit’s overall well-being.

Sprouts can be an excellent addition to their meals, as they are nutritious and generally well-tolerated. However, avoid serving bean sprouts, which can be harmful due to their high levels of toxic amino acid.

Remember to provide a balanced diet for your rabbit by integrating a variety of safe human foods.

Offering diverse options ensures they receive the necessary nutrients and maintains their interest in meals. Always introduce new foods in moderation and observe your rabbit’s reaction to prevent any potential health issues.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Tangerines?

What Foods Are Unsafe for Rabbits?

The previously mentioned foods are great for rabbits. There are also foods never to feed your rabbit.

  • Every plant in the allium (lily) family contains sulfur compounds that damage red blood cells in rabbits. The members of the allium family that people can eat and rabbits should not include onions and green onions, garlic, shallots, and chives
  • Rabbits react badly to chocolate. The theobromine in chocolate that makes it so addictive to humans overwhelms a rabbit’s nervous system.
  • Most spices cause stomach upset in rabbits. Rabbits eat their poops for a second round of digestion, and they will not eat a spicy poop. Eating their poop is essential for rabbits to get all the nutrition, so spices can mess that up.
  • Cannabis edibles can be exciting or sedating for rabbits. The problem is the dosage.
  • Tea, coffee, and soft drinks contain caffeine that your rabbit’s liver enzymes cannot break down. Make sure your rabbit does not get into them.
  • Avoid feeding your rabbit foods high in sugar and fat, such as meats, bread, and processed snacks. These types of foods are not a natural part of a rabbit’s diet and can lead to obesity and an increased risk of diseases, including cancer.

Grasses And Hay: Rabbit Main Staple Food

Rabbits should have a diet that mainly consists of grasses and hay.

These fibrous foods are essential for maintaining your rabbit’s digestive health. It’s important to provide fresh hay daily, as it makes up about 80% of your rabbit’s diet.

Timothy hay is an excellent choice for adult rabbits because it has the right balance of nutrients, such as fiber and protein.

Other types of grass hay, like orchard grass, brome, and oat hay, can also be fed to your rabbit. You can even mix different grass hays to offer variety and keep your pet bunny interested in their food.

When selecting hay for your rabbit, make sure it’s fresh and free of mold or dust. These can be harmful to your rabbit’s health. Store the hay in a cool, dry place to maintain its quality.

Now, please remember that alfalfa hay is not recommended for adult rabbits. While it’s a type of hay, alfalfa is richer in protein and calcium, which may lead to health issues in adult rabbits if consumed in large amounts.

However, alfalfa hay can be suitable for younger rabbits, as they require more protein and calcium for proper growth.

Grass is another essential component of a rabbit’s diet. It’s a natural food source, and it provides rabbits with the required fiber. If you can, provide your rabbit access to a lawn where they can graze.

Make sure the grass hasn’t been treated with chemicals or fertilizers before allowing your bunny to eat it.

So, to keep your rabbit healthy and happy, make sure to provide plenty of grasses and hay. These staple foods will play a crucial role in maintaining their well-being and supporting their overall dietary needs.

Also read: Can Rabbits Eat Fresh Grass Clippings?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe for rabbits to consume lettuce?

Some types of lettuce, such as romaine and green leaf, are safe for rabbits to eat in moderation.

However, you should avoid feeding your rabbit iceberg lettuce, as it can be dangerous for their digestive system due to its high water content and lack of nutritional value.

Are any types of meat suitable for rabbits?

No, rabbits are herbivores, and their diet should consist of plant-based foods. Feeding your rabbit any type of meat is harmful and could cause serious health problems.

Which vegetables should rabbits avoid?

Rabbits need to avoid certain vegetables, such as avocados, rhubarb, and the pits or pips of fruits, as these can be toxic to them.

Carrots should be given sparingly due to their high sugar content, as too much carrots can contribute to obesity and digestive issues in rabbits.

What should a rabbit’s daily diet consist of?

A rabbit’s daily diet should primarily consist of hay, which is essential for maintaining their dental and digestive health.

In addition, rabbits can be fed a small amount of high-quality pellets that are specially formulated for their nutritional needs. Finally, fresh and clean water should always be available to your rabbit.

Can Rabbits Eat Bread?

No, rabbits should not be fed bread or any other type of processed human food, as it is not suitable for their digestive systems and can lead to health problems.

Stick to feeding your rabbit hay, pellets, and occasional fresh fruit and vegetable treats.

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