Would you like to own a friendly white rabbit that looks like black eyeglasses? How about a large white rabbit with black circles around its eyes?
If you would, consider adopting a Blanc de Hotot Rabbit. (Hotot is pronounced oh-toe.)
These adorable, distinctively colored animals love their human family, although it is important to socialize them to human contact while they are still bunnies.
Blanc de Hotot rabbits make great pets. But before you start looking for your first Blanc de Hotot, invest some time learning about the history, appearance, temperaments, and requirements for keeping Blanc de Hotots.
At the end of this article, we will also answer some frequently asked questions about this amazing breed.
Essential Facts About Blanc de Hotot Rabbits
- Scientific name: Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus
- Care level, compared to other rabbits: Needs more time outside the hutch than most other rabbits, about three hours a day
- Temperament: Laid-back, friendly, fits in any environment as long as it gets a lot of attention from its owners
- Color: Always white, rarely has gray eyelids instead of black rings around its eyes
- Lifespan: 7 to 10 years, which is longer than most rabbits
- Maximum size: Up to 11 pounds (5 kilos)
- Dietary requirements: Needs an amount of hay of about the same size as its body every day, plus vegetables, pellets, and water
- Compatible breeds: Blue-Eyed White Beverens, White New Zealands, White Satins
- Cage size: At least 30 by 36 inches (77 by 90 cm). tall enough that the rabbit can stand up on its hind legs without hitting its head
- Thrives indoors, or outdoors in temperate climates
History of Blanc de Hotot Rabbits
The Blanc de Hotot breed was created by Eugenie Bernhard, who owned a huge rabbitry on her family estate in northwestern France.
Her rabbits provided income for the estate from their fur and meat. Bernhard kept Géant Papillon Français (Checkered Rabbits), Flemish Giant rabbits, and Géant Noir de Hotot rabbits, but she was not satisfied.
Bernhard set out to become the second woman in history to create a new breed of rabbit.
Bernhard started breeding white rabbits in 1902. After over 500 pairings, finally, in 1912, a mated pair produced a nest of large white rabbits with the distinctive eye markings she sought.
The Fédération Française de Cuniculiculture recognized her rabbits as a new breed in 1922, and they were soon brought to the United States.
The new breed was enormously popular in Europe between the two world wars, but it was largely forgotten in the United States.
After World War II, Blanc de Hotot rabbits nearly went extinct in Europe.
It might have gone extinct had not a Texan named Bob Whitman imported these unique animals to the United States from one of their few remaining breeders in France.
Blancs de Hotot was recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in 1979.
They now regularly appear in shows. However, most experts believe the breed is still in danger of extinction.
Appearance of the Blanc de Hotot Rabbit
Blanc de Hotot rabbits have a “commercial” shape.
There is only a slight taper between its shoulders and its tail. It is as thick as it is wide.
These rabbits have small tails and medium-sized ears that stand erect on top of their heads. Does (females) are larger than (bucks) males.
Blanc de Hotot rabbits have a rollback coat.
That means that when you stroke this rabbit’s coat in one direction, it rolls back into the original direction.

The coat is covered with guard hairs that keep the fur beneath them dry. Aside from the guard hairs, the coat is relatively short.
The only coat color for Blanc de Hotot rabbits is white. They have black rings that are about 1/8 of an inch (3 mm) wide around their eyes.
These rings look like eyeliner.

The coats of most Blanc de Hotots have a frosty sheen of guard hairs.
However, some Blanc de Hotots have been bred not to have guard hairs.
Other Physical Characteristics
The Blanc de Hotot rabbit has long, upright ears that are about 4 inches long. The ears are covered in short, soft fur.
The eyes are large, round, and dark brown, with a lively and intelligent expression.
The legs are short and strong, with large, round feet that are covered in fur. Overall, the Blanc de Hotot rabbit is a beautiful and distinctive breed with a unique appearance.
They are medium-sized rabbits with a commercial body type, short white fur, and black markings around the eyes.
Their long ears and large, expressive eyes give them a distinctive appearance that is sure to turn heads.
Temperament of the Blanc de Hotot Rabbit
Blanc de Hotot rabbits are playful but calm.
They accept human attention, but they can occupy themselves with something as simple as rolling (and eating) the cardboard from a roll of toilet paper.
Give them a few toys, and they will keep themselves amused. They aren’t especially active rabbit that needs a lot of outdoor exercises.
One thing to keep in mind if you get a Blanc de Hotot is to start socializing it as soon as you get it home.
The more time it spends with humans, preferably many different kinds of friendly humans, the cuddlier pet it will be when it is mature.
If you do not socialize them, when they feel cornered, they may bite.
Blanc de Hotot rabbits can be territorial and may show aggression towards other rabbits or pets.
They prefer to have their own space and can become stressed if they feel threatened or overcrowded. It is important to provide them with a comfortable and secure living environment.
Overall, the Blanc de Hotot rabbit is a friendly and active pet that can bring joy and companionship to a household. With proper care and attention, they can live up to 10 years or longer.
Requirements for Care of Blanc de Hotot Rabbits
Hay is very important to the health of Blanc de Hotot rabbits. It helps them wear down their teeth, which are constantly growing.
They also benefit from colored vegetables, like carrot slices, and from rabbit pellets for additional minerals and vitamins.
Like other rabbits, Blanc de Hotots both go to the bathroom in and eat their bedding! Food passes through the rabbit’s digestive tract twice.
The first time, the rabbit converts food into soft pellets. It defecates and eats the soft pellets.
They are digested in a different part of the colon to release amino acids that aren’t available from the first pass.
This habit may be hard for humans to get used to, but it is normal and even healthy for rabbits.
Most rabbits are happy and active at temperatures of 58° to 72° F (18° to 21° C).
Make sure your Blanc de Hotot gets about an hour in the sun or an hour under a sunlamp every day, so it can make vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth.
Breeding Requirements
Breeding Blanc de Hotot rabbits requires some preparation to ensure a successful outcome.
It is best to breed rabbits that are at least eight months old. Before breeding, you should make sure that the rabbits are healthy and free of any diseases.
When breeding, it is important to create a neutral environment for the rabbits to mate in. Alternatively, you can take the female rabbit to the male’s enclosure.
Pregnancy lasts about 28-32 days, and you need to set up a nest box for the pregnant female by day 28.
The nest box should be big enough for her to turn around in.
Also read: How To Tell If Rabbit Mating Is Successful?
Health Concerns
Blanc de Hotot rabbits are generally healthy, but they are prone to certain health issues.
One common health issue is overgrown teeth. Overgrown teeth can cause dental problems that can lead to other health issues.
It is important to have your rabbit’s teeth checked regularly by a veterinarian. Another common health issue is flystrike. Flystrike occurs when flies lay eggs on a rabbit’s skin, and the larvae feed on the rabbit’s flesh.
To prevent flystrike, you should keep your rabbit’s living area clean and dry.
Finally, Blanc de Hotots are susceptible to certain diseases, such as myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease. It is important to vaccinate your rabbits against these diseases to prevent them from getting sick.
Popular Bunny Names for Blanc de Hotot Rabbit
Here’s a table with popular Blanc de Hotot Rabbit names, reflecting their breed characteristics.
The Blanc de Hotot is known for its pure white coat and distinctive black markings around the eyes, giving them a unique “eyeliner” appearance.
Many of these names are inspired by their striking appearance and gentle nature.
Boy Bunny Names for Blanc de Hotot Rabbit | Girl Bunny Names for Blanc de Hotot Rabbit |
Snowball | Luna |
Frost | Pearl |
Blizzard | Angel |
Ghost | Crystal |
Ice | Star |
Inky | Belle |
Racer | Eyeliner |
Oreo | Misty |
Panda | Duchess |
Patches | Glimmer |
These names highlight the distinct coloration and elegant appearance of Blanc de Hotot Rabbits, making them fitting choices for your rabbit.
Also read: Popular Pet Rabbit (Bunny) Names (Girl/Boy)
Frequently Asked Questions About the Blanc de Hotot Rabbit
How much does a Blanc de Hotot rabbit cost?
A Blanc de Hotot bunny will cost between $50 and $150 in the US.
Are Blanc de Hotot rabbits rare?
Blanc de Hotot rabbits are both rare and endangered.
How long do Blanc de Hotot Rabbits live?
Blanc de Hotot Rabbits have an average lifespan of 7-10 years when properly cared for.
They require regular veterinary check-ups and should be spayed or neutered to prevent health issues.
How big do Blanc de Hotot Rabbits get?
Blanc de Hotot Rabbits are a larger breed of rabbit, typically weighing between 8 to 11 pounds.
They require a cage that is at least 4 square feet and 14 inches high.
Where can I buy a Blanc de Hotot rabbit?
Look for breeders who belong to the American Rabbit Breeders Association.
Do Blanc de Hotot rabbits get along with other pets?
More than most other rabbits, Blanc de Hotot rabbits need to be introduced to other rabbits and other pets as early in their lives as possible.
Remember, for your pets, smelling is believing. Let pets sniff something belonging to the other pet for a day or two before you put them in the same room.
It’s important to provide them with a safe space where they can retreat if they feel threatened.
Most dogs are not compatible with rabbits, even if the rabbits are compatible with them.
How often do I need to groom my Blanc de Hotot rabbit?
When your Blanc de Hotot is shedding during the spring and fall, it needs grooming about once a week.
Otherwise, once every two weeks is sufficient.
Do Blanc de Hotot rabbits get sick often?
Blanc de Hotots are more inclined to malocclusion, and misaligned teeth, than other breeds.
Your vet can help with this problem by feeding your Blanc de Hotot mostly hay in its everyday diet.
Because these rabbits stand out against foliage and shrubbery, they are also more vulnerable to attack by other animals if you let them roam unguarded.
Blanc de Hotot is also more prone than other breeds to flystrike, eggs laid in their skin by parasitic flies. Keep them clean, and this will not be a problem.
Are there any downsides to owning a Blanc de Hotot rabbit?
It takes some practice to hold an adult Blanc de Hotot rabbit.
Remember to secure its rear and its back legs in the crook of your elbow so it does not kick. Otherwise, it may kick, scratch, or bite when it feels threatened.
Blanc de Hotos are usually friendly animals, but remember that they are naturally prey animals.
Be ready for your Blanc de Hotot to try to run away and hide when it encounters a dog or a large cat it doesn’t already know.
Introducing pets by scent a few days before introducing them face to face can save some upsetting defensive reactions.
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