10 Most Expensive Rabbit Breeds (with Images)

I bought my Cinnamon rabbit for $50 at a breeder. I’m still deciding what rabbit breed I’d like next, so after looking around,

I started wondering “what is the most expensive rabbit breed?”

It turns out, the answer isn’t simply “Bunny Breed X is the most expensive because of ABC.”

There are various factors that play a role in how much you’ll pay for a rabbit, but essentially:

For a small rabbit breed, the American Fuzzy Lop is one of the most expensive breeds at $175 on average, while the Continental Giant rabbit is the most expensive giant rabbit breed at $400 on average. For a pedigreed Harlequin with a proven bloodline, you’ll easily pay $1,000.

In terms of the most expensive rabbit breed historically, that prize goes to a pair of Rex rabbits that was priced at $1,500 in 1930 or $22,000 if you take inflation into account.

The Most Expensive Rabbit Breeds

The popular American Fuzzy Lop rabbit breed is one of the most expensive for a small rabbit. The average price is $175 for one American Fuzzy Lop rabbit.

American Fuzzy Lop rabbit
American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit – One of the Most Expensive Small Rabbit Breed

If you want a giant rabbit breed, the Continental Giant will set you back $300 on average, plus an average of $350 to transport your gentle giant to your home.

Continental Giant Rabbit
Continental Giant Rabbit – One of the Most Expensive Large Rabbit Breed

However, the Holland Lop has fetched a maximum price of $910 for one rabbit. On average, you’ll pay between $50 to $200 for a Holland Lop rabbit.

Similarly, Harlequin rabbits are very popular.

You’ll pay anywhere between $900 to $1,000 for a highly pedigreed Harlequin, while a non-pedigreed Harlequin bunny will cost in the range of $50 to $200.

To make it easier to compare, below is a table that shows all the rabbit breed names and the expected cost for each breed.

Rabbit BreedAverage Cost (USD)
Continental Giant Rabbit300-500
American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit175
Mini Lop150-250
English Angora Rabbit100-225
Lionhead Rabbit75-150
Flemish Giant Rabbit50-150
Mini Satin Rabbit 50-150
Mini Rex 50-150
Dwarf Hotot Rabbit 50-100
Polish Rabbit 50-100
Netherland Dwarf Rabbit30-90

A List of Other Expensive Rabbit Breeds

Here are other expensive rabbit breeds:

1. Lionhead Rabbit

How much you pay for a Lionhead rabbit depends on whether the rabbit has a single or double mane.

Lionhead Rabbits

A Lionhead rabbit that has a double mane is rarer and will cost more.

A standard Lionhead rabbit’s mane is thin. On the other hand, a Lionhead rabbit with a double mane has a thick mane that covers its flanks and circles its head.

In general, you’ll pay between $75 to $150 for a Lionhead rabbit.

These rabbits are one of the friendliest and most affectionate rabbits. They prefer living in environments that aren’t too noisy.

2. Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

The Netherland Dwarf rabbit is a small rabbit breed that was created by breeding wild rabbits with a Polish rabbit.

Netherland Dwarf Rabbit

This rabbit looks like a “baby” all through its life because of its baby face. However, the Netherland Dwarf has a disproportionately large head for its body.

With a docile and sweet personality, the Netherland Dwarf rabbit is a favorite among rabbit owners and at exhibitions.

On average, you’ll pay between $30 to $90 for a pet Netherland Dwarf rabbit and up to $200 for a well-pedigreed Netherland Dwarf from an established bloodline.

Also read: Why Do Netherland Dwarf Rabbits Bite?

3. Mini Rex

The Mini Rex is another expensive rabbit breed. For a highly pedigreed Mini Rex, you’ll most likely pay $250 or more. A pet Mini Rex costs between $50 and $100.

Mini Rex rabbit

These rabbits are friendly and docile.

The best-known feature of a Mini Rex is its plush, velvety fur. Plus, these small 4.5-pound rabbits are super cute.

The Mini Rex is a newer rabbit breed that was created in 1945 in Texas.

Also read: Are Rex Rabbits Good for Meat?

4. Mini Lop Rabbit

A Mini Lop rabbit, also called the “Little Hanging Ear” rabbit, is another small rabbit breed.

Mini Lop Rabbits

The breed’s trademark is ears that are similar to the Holland Lops. The ears of the Mini Lop also hang below their jaws.

Originally bred in Germany, the Mini Lop loves to play. And with a friendly and affectionate nature, it’s no wonder that families love the Mini Lop rabbit.

Expect to pay in the range of $150 to $250 for a Mini Lop; however, some rabbit owners have reported paying as much as almost $400 for a Mini Lop rabbit.

5. English Angora Rabbit

The English Angora rabbit is a mini rabbit with a compact body.

Angora Rabbit

Unlike the other types of Angora rabbits, English Angoras have wooly feet and fur on their faces so they look like round balls of fluff.

The coat of the English Angora grows constantly.

Rabbit’s frequently groom themselves during the day, so it’s easy for the English Angora to swallow a lot of fur, which can clog up their digestive tract.

This can be a costly trip to the vet so it’s recommended to harvest their wool every three months or give them a puppy cut.

Your English Angora will look like a rabbit version of a poodle.

The maximum a rabbit owner has paid for an English Angora rabbit is around the $300 mark.

On average, however, the price for an English Angora can range from $100 to $225.

6. Flemish Giant Rabbit

The Flemish Giant rabbit is the biggest domesticated rabbit. A mature Flemish Giant weighs between 12 and 15 pounds.

Flemish Giant Rabbit

They are attractive buys because of their docile temperament, the fact that they can be litter trained, and they are adorable.

The Flemish Giant rabbit breed is one of the oldest breeds that dates back to the 1500s. These days, Flemish Giants are still popular for their meat.

If you’d like a Flemish Giant rabbit for a pet, you’ll pay in the range of $50 to $150.

Also read: How Fast Can a Flemish Giant Rabbit Run?

7. Dwarf Hotot Rabbit

The Dwarf Hotot (pronounced oh-toe) is a dwarf rabbit breed.

Dwarf Hotot Rabbit

The all-white rabbit has black markings around its eyes, making it look like a make-up artist penciled in eyeliner.

The history of the Dwarf Hotot is fascinating. On either side of the Berlin Wall, two breeders bred rabbits to produce the Dwarf Hotot.

They secretly managed to communicate with each other and swap rabbits unbeknownst and undetected by the German police.

You can expect to pay between $50 and $100 for a Dwarf Hotot rabbit. However, you may pay more for a Dwarf Hotot with a pedigree.

8. Polish Rabbit

The Polish rabbit is a small rabbit breed but it isn’t part of the dwarf rabbit breed.

Polish Rabbit

The origins of the Polish rabbit are not known, but these bunnies are a popular choice for magicians and their tricks.

With a laid-back temperament, a Polish rabbit doesn’t mind magically appearing in a magician’s hat.

This relatively healthy rabbit breed costs between $50 and $100, making the Polish rabbit a moderately expensive breed.

9. Mini Satin Rabbit

The Mini Satin rabbit is a mini-sized version of the Satin rabbit. There are a variety of fur colors, so each Mini Satin is unique.

Mini Satin Rabbit

This small rabbit breed is curious, affectionate, and gentle, so they make excellent pets.

They are also quite vocal – the Mini Satin likes to squeal in excitement and purr in contentment so you’ll know when your bunny is happy.

Because Mini Satin rabbits are quite rare, they are relatively expensive. You can pay anywhere from $50 to $150 for one of these cuties.

10. Continental Giant Rabbit

A descendent of the Flemish Giant rabbit, the Continental Giant rabbit has origins that go back as far as the 16th century.

Continental Giant Rabbit

The Continental Giant, or Conti as loving fur-parents called them, is a very sociable rabbit breed and will happily share your house with you.

These rabbits are larger than a Flemish Giant, weighing 25 pounds on average and measuring three feet in length.

The cost of a Conti can range from $300 to $500 but some rabbit owners report paying as little as $90.

If the breeder needs to transport the Continental Giant rabbit to your house, that will cost an extra $125 to $500 depending on where you live.

Factors That Influence the Price of a Rabbit

There are various factors that influence how much you can expect to pay for a domestic rabbit:

The Breed of the Rabbit

Generally, pure-bred rabbits that have been formally recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) or the British Rabbit Council (BRC) cost more than mixed-breed or unrecognized breed rabbits.

Where You Buy the Rabbit

You can buy a rabbit from the pet store, at a flea market, 4-H club, a rabbit rescue center, recognized and registered rabbitry breeders, and dedicated rabbit hobbyists and fanciers.

You’ll probably pay more when you buy a rabbit from a reputed rabbit breeder, rabbit hobbyist, and a fancier.

However, these rabbit fanciers and hobbyists (together with the registered breeders) know the most about how to care for rabbits and can help you get the rabbit you want and make sure you are set up for caring for your bunny.

Age of the Rabbit

Kits will sell for less than adult rabbits.

Spayed or Neutered

Rabbits that have already been neutered or spayed cost more than unaltered bunnies.

Only rabbits that are of breeding pedigree will cost more, and these are usually sold as a breeding pair.

On average, it costs $250 to neuter or spays a rabbit.


If you can buy a rabbit that has been litter trained, you’ll most likely pay more than for a rabbit that hasn’t been litter trained.

Rabbits with advanced training such as how to do agility courses for a show will also fetch a higher price.

Pedigreed Rabbits vs Non-pedigreed Rabbits

Expect to pay more for a pedigreed rabbit that has been registered and where you get a certificate of health and a list of the rabbit’s ancestors.

Show-Worthiness and Awards Won

If you buy a rabbit that has a champion bloodline with parents or grandparents that are award-winning rabbits, the price for the rabbit will increase.

Similarly, buying a rabbit that has been presented and won at rabbit competitions, exhibitions, and shows costs more.

Rare Breeds or Desirable or Unique Colors

Rabbits from a unique or rare breed or those that have desirable colors will be more expensive than “ordinary” rabbits.

For example, a Lionhead rabbit that has a double mane is more desirable and rarer, so you’ll pay more for a double-maned Lionhead rabbit than for a standard Lionhead rabbit.

A Rabbit That’s Been Microchipped

It costs about $50 to get a rabbit microchipped so the rabbit can be identified should it get lost.

Buying a rabbit that has a microchip is pricier than an un-chipped rabbit.

Best of all, your contact information can be updated online so that your information is linked with your new rabbit.


It isn’t mandatory to get your rabbit vaccinated against the most common rabbit diseases in the United States.

However, buying a rabbit that has been vaccinated ensures the rabbit is protected from various diseases, and as a result, you’ll pay more.

Also read: French Lop vs. Holland Lop Rabbit

In History: The Most Expensive Rabbit Breed

The Rex rabbit holds the title of the most expensive rabbit in history. In 1930, according to Lynn M Stone in her book, titled Rabbit Breeds: The Pocket Guide to 49 Essential Breeds, people could pay as much as $1,500 for a pair of Rex rabbits.

Taking into account inflation, that amounts to nearly $11,000 per rabbit or $22,000 for a pair.

These days, the most pedigreed rabbit might set you back between $500 to $1,000 but it won’t be as much as nearly a century ago.

Expect to pay around $100 to $150 on average for a Rex rabbit from a breeder.

Expensive Rabbit Breeds FAQs

What is the world’s most expensive rabbit?

The world’s most expensive rabbit is a pair of Rex rabbits that cost $1,500 in 1930.

Today, the equivalent would amount to almost $22,000 for the pair.

How much does a rabbit sell for?

In general, a rabbit sells for $20-$40.

However, the price you pay depends on the breed of the rabbit, the age, whether the rabbit has a pedigree, and whether you are buying the rabbit from a pet store, a rescue center, or a breeder.

How much does an Angora rabbit cost?

Expect to pay around $50 for an Angora rabbit kit and upward of $100 for a Giant Angora rabbit.

If the rabbit has a pedigree, then you’ll pay a lot more because the Angora rabbit is very valuable.

Final Thoughts

If I was into showing and rabbit competitions, I wouldn’t mind paying more for a highly pedigreed rabbit.

But I love rabbits because they are cute and smart, and they make excellent pets.

Now you know what the most expensive rabbit breeds are, so if you do want a Conti, an English Angora, or a Mini Lop rabbit, you’ll know how much these rabbits go for.

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