Yes, female rabbits have whiskers.
All rabbits, be it female or male, have whiskers that are equivalent to the overall length of their bodies. There are no differences between female and male rabbit whiskers.
Aside from adding expressions to their face and looking absolutely adorable, your rabbit’s whiskers are actually quite important.
It is safe to say that a rabbit would have great difficulty in living without its whiskers.
Their quality of life would be greatly reduced, and you would find them constantly bumping into things.
Let’s read on to find out why whiskers are so important in your female and male rabbits.
Why Do Rabbits Have Whiskers?
These long hair sticking out of your rabbit’s face serve a very important function.
They offer your bunnies exceptional spatial awareness and make up for any blind spots in their vision.
When you look closely, you will notice that your rabbits have whiskers of different lengths.
They all have different purposes and help your bunnies navigate their worlds better.
All-Natural Eye Protection
The first and foremost reason why rabbits need their whiskers is to protect their delicate eyes.
You can think of these whiskers as extra eyelashes.
They block any debris, dirt, or other airborne particles from entering the rabbit’s eye.
However, if your rabbits get stuck in the middle of heavy winds or have excessive exposure to dust, it is best to wash out their eyes ASAP.
Don’t rely on the whiskers to keep their eyes safe.
Night-time Movement
Now onto the main function of the whiskers. You’ve probably noticed how your rabbits see better in dim light.
So, at dawn and dusk, their eyes work at top performance mode.
But, once it gets dark, how do rabbits make their way around? Through their whiskers, of course!
A rabbit’s whiskers are like an external sensory organ that helps them navigate their way better.
They are the reason why your rabbits are so comfortable in hopping about when it’s dark while you bump and struggle to make your way through!
Expert Object Detection
Lastly, we all know how rabbits have quite a wide range of blind spots with their eyes located on either side of their heads.
The biggest blindspot is right in front of their nose!
To make things worse, rabbits are also far-sighted. This could be quite dangerous as they can’t see what is right ahead of them.
Luckily, evolution has done our bunnies a solid favor by giving them highly sensitive whiskers.
Paired with your bunny’s great sense of smell, these whiskers allow rabbits to easily locate objects nearby.
Should You Cut/Trim Rabbit Whiskers
Absolutely not!
We often come across rabbit owners who think it is safe and perfectly okay to trim their rabbit’s whiskers slightly. But, we recommend otherwise!
It is true that rabbits don’t experience any pain if their whiskers are trimmed. This is because they don’t have any nerves at the ends of their whiskers to cause them pain.
However, despite this, we would advise against messing with their whiskers.
A rabbit depends greatly on the sensory triggers offered by its whiskers. They help them detect motion, balance their bodies and protect their eyes.
So, trimming off this treasured hair is like taking away one of their most-relied senses. Your rabbits use their whiskers at every waking moment and even when they are asleep.
Trimming them can cause disorientation and confusion. Your bunnies won’t be able to identify objects that are approaching them.
They might even get stuck in areas where they can’t fit properly and get injured in the process.
P.S. If you have Rex rabbits with curled whiskers, you can trim them on the recommendation of your vet. However, be careful never to pull out the whiskers.
The whiskers’ sense of touch works by triggering deep-set nerves inside the hair follicle. If you pull them out, you would be causing immense pain to your bunnies.
Do Rabbit Whiskers Shed?
As with all mammals, your rabbits will also start to shed their hair as they get older.
You will notice thinning of fur in your older rabbits, paired with shedding whiskers. This is perfectly normal and not a cause of concern.
Whiskers are just another type of hair on your rabbit’s body. Therefore, it is not unusual for them to shed due to aging.
However, you should know that it is a gradual process that happens in elderly rabbits. If your younger bunnies are losing their whiskers, something is wrong and should be looked at by a professional vet.
Younger rabbits may start losing their whiskers due to skin concerns or poor nutritional intake. This loss of whiskers is sudden, with the hair simply falling out in a matter of days.
It will probably be followed by your rabbit’s fur coming off in large chunks and an overall weak-looking appearance.
It is important to contact your vet to treat any skin conditions promptly, as they can grow and take over their whole bodies.
You can also consult an animal diet specialist if the problem continues even after skin treatments.
Are Curled Whiskers Normal in Rabbits?
Have you noticed how some of your rabbits have beautiful, dead straight whiskers while others don’t?
Some rabbits might have curled or kinked whiskers that aren’t too easy to spot.
Curled whiskers are usually caused by some form of damage or injury.
If your rabbit’s whiskers were singed or treated roughly in the past, they might acquire a bent state with curled tips.
On the other hand, curled whiskers do occur naturally, too, but it is rare. Only Rex and Mini Rex rabbits have the genes for curled whiskers.
Their whiskers curl naturally because they are thinner than the whiskers found in other rabbits. It causes them to naturally curl up at the ends.
If you have Rex rabbits, your vet would recommend trimming their whiskers occasionally to prevent them from curling into their eyes.
It can disrupt their vision, so it should be done promptly and with great care.
Some Ways to Tell Female Rabbits Apart
When you’re looking to introduce rabbits to your pet family, it is important that you know whether they are male or female.
The whiskers won’t tell you much, but there are numerous ways to know the gender of your bunnies.
It helps you develop the best care plans and nutritional requirements for them.
By knowing your rabbit’s gender, you can also determine the right age to get them de-sexed.
Here are some quick tips to help you tell your female rabbits apart from the males.
- Female rabbits grow up to 16 inches, while male rabbits can acquire growth over 20 inches.
- Male rabbits have two oblong testicles that descend as they turn 12 weeks old.
- Female rabbits have v-shaped genitals that protrude slightly.
- Nipples in male rabbits are underdeveloped and hardly noticeable.
- Nipples in female rabbits are found in pairs of 4 or 5. They run along their abdomen and can be spotted easily.
Parting Words
Your rabbit’s whiskers are an essential part of its anatomy. Whether you have male or female bunnies, you will notice whiskers in both of them.
These whiskers help your rabbits see clearly, while also doing a great job of detecting motion from all sides.
Additionally, a rabbit’s whiskers offer excellent eye protection and prevent dust or debris from entering their delicate eyes.
They allow plenty of shade against the harsh light.
Since your rabbits’ whiskers play such an important role in their physical well-being, it is best not to meddle with them.
Rabbit owners should avoid cutting or trimming their rabbit’s whiskers unless recommended by a vet due to health reasons.
You should keep in mind that the whiskers are quite sensitive to touch and shouldn’t be handled unnecessarily.
All the best in keeping the best care of your bunnies!
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