Holland Lop Rabbit (Size, Color, Temperament, Behavior)

Originating in the Netherlands, Holland Lops (called Lops because their ears hang down) is the smallest of the Lop rabbit breeds.

Weighing between 2 and 4 pounds, the Holland Lop Rabbit has a compact, wide, and short body type, giving them a stocky appearance.

Caring for a Holland Lop Rabbit is relatively simple compared to other rabbit breeds. They require basic grooming and have no unique hereditary diseases

These cute and cuddly rabbits are a favorite of elementary school-age children because of their attractive features and gentle temperament.

Essential Facts About Holland Lop Rabbits

Scientific nameOryctolagus cuniculus domesticus

Care level, compared to other rabbits: Low, even compared to other rabbits. Giving your rabbit hay, not pellets, is essential to their good health.

Temperament: Friendly, playful, one of only a few rabbits that will be comfortable in your lap.

Color: Solid or broken patterns in fawn, chinchilla, tortoise, orange, cream, seal, sable, smokey pearl, or chestnut

Lifespan: 7 to 14 years. Like other small rabbits, Holland Lops are long-lived,

Maximum size: 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms), usually much smaller.

Dietary requirements: Primarily timothy hay and dark green leafy vegetables. An occasional carrot, berry, or tablespoon of rabbit pellets is OK.

Compatible breeds: Gets along with other small rabbits. Should not be housed with larger rabbits, or kept in a home with cats, dogs, or snakes.

Cage size: Holland Lops need cages about 4 times as large as their bodies. A cage or hutch with 24 inches by 36 inches (609 cm by 90 cm) floor space, and 14 inches (35 cm) clearance for your rabbit’s head is more than enough, although your Holland Lop will need about 3 hours of playtime outside its hutch or cage every day.

Also read: Holland Lop vs Mini Lop – What’s the Difference?

History of the Holland Lop Rabbit

The Netherlands Rabbits Governing Council recognized Holland Lops as a separate breed in 1964, and Holland Lops were recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association in 1979.

They have become one of the five most popular breeds of rabbits in the USA, and they are favorite pets around the world.

But there were no Holland Lops before the 1950s.

A Dutch rabbit breeder named Adrian de Cock was concerned that Netherland Dwarf rabbits were too small and French Lop rabbits were too large.

Some Netherland Dwarfs only weigh about a pound (about 500 grams) when they are fully grown.

French Lops can weigh 16 pounds (7.2 kilograms). Adrian de Cock wanted to breed a rabbit with lop ears that would be a more manageable size.

It turned out that breeding small rabbits with large rabbits was not as easy as he expected it would be.

If you are thinking of breeding rabbits of your own, you might keep his story in mind.

At first, de Cock tried to breed a female Netherlands Dwarf rabbit to a male French Lop rabbit.

The first female died during mating. The second female had a litter of kits that died because she could not produce enough milk to feed them.

Then, de Cock tried mating a female French Lop to a male Netherlands Dwarf.

He had doubts that the relative sizes of their sex organs would make mating possible.

However, the female got pregnant, and the offspring were normal-sized but they had ears that pointed upright.

In 1952, he crossed those rabbits with an English Lop rabbit and got a litter of normal-sized rabbits with lop ears.

The American Rabbit Breeders Association recognized Holland Lops in 1979, and introduced them to the public a year later. They became and have remained a very popular rabbit.

Also read: French Lop vs. Holland Lop Rabbit

Appearance of the Holland Lop Rabbit

Holland Lops are small, muscular, active rabbits that weigh just 2 to 4 pounds (a little less than 1 kilogram to a little less than 2 kilograms) when fully grown.

Their coats are coarse and bristly but short. You can find Holland Lops in solid and broken patterns with colors including orange, red, chestnut, chinchilla, seal, sable, tortoise, smokey pearl, cream, frosty, and fawn.

How Big Is a Holland Lop, Really?

It is easy to find online advertising that refers to Holland Lop rabbits as “teacup size.”

A Holland Lop might be able to fit about half of its body in a teacup when it is about three weeks old, but that would be way too soon to take the adorable little bunny away from its mother.

You need both hands to hold a Holland Lop that is eight weeks old.

That as soon as you would want to take a bunny home, and, in some states, it is illegal to sell a rabbit younger than eight weeks.

A senior (six-month-old) Holland Lop with one copy of the dwarf gene should weigh about 3 pounds (1.4 kilograms).

Other than size, you can tell a Holland Lop has at least one copy of the dwarf gene by its shorter, wider, rounder ears and the absence of a pointed muzzle.

A Holland Lop that does not have the dwarf gene may weigh about 4 pounds (1.8 kilograms) when it is nine months old.

By that time, it may have already become a parent. Over the next few months, Holland Lops without the dwarf gene may grow to weigh about 5 pounds (2.3 kilograms),

Temperament of the Holland Lop Rabbit

Holland Lops are sweet, gentle, cuddle bunnies that love to spend time with their humans.

If you make a point of playing with and petting your rabbit every day for an hour or so from the time it is weaned, it will become comfortable enough with you to sit in your lap and watch TV.

Most other breeds of rabbits are too skittish to sit in your lap.

They are well-suited for families with children and can even get along with other pets, such as dogs.

Here are a few characteristics that make their temperament outstanding:

  • Calm Nature: These rabbits are naturally calm and easygoing. They enjoy spending time with their owners or playing with toys, but they don’t require constant attention. This makes them a great companions for busy families or those looking for a low-maintenance pet.
  • Sociable: Holland Lops are social animals and enjoy the company of others. They thrive when they have opportunities to interact with their family members or other rabbits. Building a strong bond with your Holland Lop is essential for their well-being, so be sure to spend quality time with them.
  • Intelligent: These rabbits are quite intelligent and can be trained to follow simple commands, like coming when called or using a litter box. With patience and consistent training, you can teach your Holland Lop various tricks, which can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your rabbit.
  • Adaptable: Holland Lops can adapt well to different environments, making them suitable for indoor or outdoor living. They can adjust to various living conditions as long as they have a comfortable and safe space to call their own.

Care of the Holland Lop Rabbit

The most important thing to remember about taking care of a Holland Lap is something most rabbit owners don’t realize:

You should never take a Holland Lop home with you before it has been weaned.

Weaning from the mother is stressful for young rabbits. Moving to a new home is also stressful.

Timing the two events too closely together can trigger a life-threatening illness.

Wait until your rabbit has been weaned for at least a week when it is nine, ten, eleven, or even twelve weeks old.

Also read: Can 2 Week Old Rabbits Drink Water?

Food and Water

Holland Lops need an unlimited supply of fresh, clean, dry hay and fresh water at all times.

Timothy hay should make up most of their diet. Alfalfa hay is OK for growing rabbits, but it is so high in calcium that it can cause kidney stones in older Holland Lops.

Never give your rabbit bread, candy, cakes, cookies, or sweets. Offer a carrot as a treat instead.


You can find specially designed indoor-outdoor hutches for your Holland Lops.

The sleeping area is raised above the ground or the floor and ventilated with a fan. Your rabbits use the area beneath their sleep area for play.

That is also the place to put their litter box.


Taking your Holland Lop outside to be combed once a week reduces shedding to a minimum.

Health Issues

The biggest threat to the health of Holland Lop rabbits is accidental injury. Rabbits that are dropped or stepped on may have to endure a great deal of pain from broken bones.

Otherwise, the biggest threats to a rabbit’s health are tick-borne conditions like Lyme disease, which you can avoid by keeping your rabbit away from tall, dry grass outdoors, and leptospirosis.

Rabbits catch leptospirosis by stepping in urine left by an infected animal.

Popular Bunny Names for Holland Lop Rabbits

Here’s a table with popular Holland Lop Rabbit names, reflecting their breed characteristics.

The Holland Lop Rabbit is known for its small size, floppy ears, and playful personality.

Many of these names are inspired by their cute appearance and lively nature.

Boy Bunny Names for Holland Lop RabbitsGirl Bunny Names for Holland Lop Rabbits

These names emphasize the adorable floppy ears, small size, and playful temperament of the Holland Lop Rabbit breed, making them fitting choices for your rabbit.

Also read: Popular Pet Rabbit (Bunny) Names (Girl/Boy)

Frequently Asked Questions About Holland Lop Rabbits

Q. Where can I find a Holland Lop rabbit?

A. Check with USA Rabbit Breeders, or Google for Holland Lop breeders near you.

Q. How much will a Holland Lop bunny cost?

Because Holland Lops are so popular and so easy to find, you may only have to pay $15 for your new pet.

Show animals, identified by the process described below, may cost as much as $400.

Q. If my Holland Lops have babies, how do I choose which to sell or give away and which to keep?

Holland Lops can have several dozen offspring over the course of their lifetime.

Not even professional rabbit raisers will keep all of their bunnies. 

If you are raising Holland Lops to show or sell, you need to examine them at six, you can get a good idea of whether they are destined for lives as pets or as show animals when they are six weeks old.

At the age of six weeks, a show-quality Holland Lop should have strong, short front legs, with visible space between them.

The rabbit should be about as wide as it is tall. When you look at your rabbit from the side, in profile, you should be able to see its ankles.

The ears should not extend much lower than your rabbit’s chin.

They should lay flat. The crown of the head should be as close to the ear as possible. You don’t want a lot of space between the ears and the eyes.

If a rabbit does not show these characteristics at the age of six weeks, it probably should become a pet, not a breeding stock.

Even rabbits that are not show-quality can make great pets. Rabbits for breeding bunnies or taking to shows should show the qualities on which they are judged at six weeks and as they grow up over the next year.

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