How to Befriend a Wild Rabbit?

Here in this article, we will discuss different methods to tame or befriend a wild rabbit.

Rabbits are cute and cuddly creatures. However, some of them can be dangerous, as well (especially the wild ones).

Petting a cute bunny is very easy, but rabbits in the wild need to be approached with caution.

They are always looking out for predators and will lurch at anything that seems dangerous.

Befriending wild rabbits can be tricky and requires a lot of patience.

However, once the wild rabbit realizes that you mean no harm, it will be easy to befriend them.

How to Befriend Wild Rabbits?

The best way to make friends with a wild rabbit is by giving it some food.

You can give them a slice of fruit or green leafy veggies. However, keep the quantities small and do not offer citrus fruits such as lemons or pineapples. 

In the beginning, leave a trail of food that your wild rabbit can follow. This way, the rabbit can decide how much proximity he is comfortable with.

Let the wild rabbits slowly get used to your presence.

Do not make any advancing movement towards them. Rabbits can see this as an attack, and all your efforts of befriending them can prove to be futile. 

Rabbits can sense emotions, and therefore you should always approach them with affection and love. If you are angry, do not go near them.

They can misunderstand your anger to be directed towards them.

When the wild rabbit is comfortable being around you, talk to them in a slow affectionate tone when they approach you.

Let them smell you, to be sure.

If you own other pets at home like dogs or cats, make sure you do not approach a wild rabbit smelling like them.

Dogs and cats are predators for wild rabbits, and if you smell like them, a wild rabbit will hesitate in approaching you.

Do not try to make any sudden movements and sit down on the ground. A decrease in height will make the wild rabbit feel less threatened.

Let your rabbit sniff your hand, then stroke it gently on its head and back.

If a wild baby rabbit is very small (like 2 weeks old) then you must know can 2-week old rabbits drink water?

Can you Tame a Wild Rabbit?

You cannot tame a wild rabbit because it is illegal to do so.

In fact, it is illegal to keep a wild rabbit as a pet in most U.S. states and in most countries throughout the world.

The exception to this rule could be when you find an injured wild rabbit that needs treatment. Even in this case, you will need permits/licenses from the Department of Environmental Protection to keep the wild rabbit.

The reason for this is that wild rabbits are not domesticated and they have not been bred for specific characteristics that would make them suitable as pets.

They are also very difficult to care for and they can be quite destructive if they are not given enough room to roam.

For these reasons, it is much better to simply enjoy watching wild rabbits from a distance rather than trying to keep one as a pet.

If you’re interested in owning a rabbit, it’s best to adopt one from a shelter or rescue organization rather than trying to tame a wild one.

How to Identify Wild Rabbit?

Wild rabbits, like other rabbits, are prey animals.

However, they live in a hostile environment as compared to domesticated rabbits.

This makes them extremely cautious, alert, and sometimes dangerous.

  • Wild rabbits have greyish-brown fur with a dash of white fur on the underside of their tail.
  • They are smaller in size, measuring around 30- 40 cms.
  • These rabbits can weigh 1.5 kgs to 2 kgs.
  • Their life span is generally up to nine years. However, this is dependent on the hostility of the environment they live in.

The impact on the environment is such that they become very unpredictable.

If they see you as a predator, they won’t give a second thought before attacking. That’s they need to be dealt with caution.

Also read: Where Do Rabbits Sleep In the Wild?

Can You Adopt a Wild Rabbit?

No, you should not adopt any wild rabbit. However, if you want to take care of a newborn or ailing wild rabbit, do so with caution.

Don’t go too close to them. If the rabbit is irritated or cranky, you can keep them in a cage and be cautious while putting your hands near the cage.

Try to create a suitable area in the cage for the rabbit to stay.

Also, clean the cage at regular intervals. You can also use a cage with a grated bottom to show that the waste falls off the cage and your rabbit’s nesting area is clean.

If the wild rabbit is an adult, he can be given grass or hay. For small rabbits, kitten replacement milk is a suitable alternative.

However, do not give cow’s milk to your rabbit as the composition of cow’s milk is substantially different from rabbit’s milk.

Also, adult rabbits should not be given any milk at all as they are lactose intolerant. 

Rabbits see humans as predators, and it is very important that your wild rabbits are sure that you do not want to hurt them.

Maintain proper distance until you are sure that the wild rabbit trusts you.

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