Similar to cats and dogs, rabbits are usually spayed for reproduction control and to control potential aggressive behavior.
However, unlike others pets, rabbits do not have to fast before surgery and have different pre-surgery care instructions.
It is actually recommended to feed your rabbit before the neutering or spaying surgery. Feeding your rabbit before the surgical procedure helps to speed up the recovery process.
Any type of surgery can be a stressful experience for a beloved pet. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind any procedures that can make their experience a little bit better.
Can I Feed My Rabbit Before Spaying?
In terms of feeding your rabbit before spaying, it is actually highly advisable!
Unlike cats and dogs, rabbits have a much faster metabolism. Therefore, they should not have an empty stomach before the spaying procedure.
This is because feeding your rabbit before spaying actually helps protect the gastrointestinal (GI) tracts.
Beware – some receptionists may still give the stereotypical advice to keep your pet fasting before the spaying surgery.
However, they might just be thinking about cats and dogs, and are unaware of a rabbit’s particular circumstances.
Not feeding your rabbit before the surgery can interfere with faster recovery.
Even a short period of not feeding your rabbit may result in harming their gastrointestinal tract and potential liver damage.
So make sure you feed them accordingly to avoid mishaps.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions are related to the main topic of concern and will hopefully address additional questions that you may have.
How much food should I feed my rabbit before spaying?
Changing your rabbit’s diet before spaying is not the best idea. Since you would want your rabbit to feel as relaxed as possible.
It is also necessary that their regular routine is maintained up to the point of surgery.
Their regular routine entails that your rabbit should be fed the exact daily diet and consume the same water that they do on a regular basis.
Following these instructions is key for optimal recovery of your rabbit both physically and mentally.
Sticking to your rabbit’s regular diet should allow your rabbit to not suspect that anything frightening change is about to occur.
While having the same food should keep your rabbit’s gastrointestinal (GI) tracts protected for a speedy recovery.
Can I Bring Food and Water with me on My Rabbit’s Surgery Day?
Although the decision would be at the discretion of your veterinarian’s office, most practitioners do not advise against it.
However, it is still best to check with your practitioner before doing so.
If you receive the green light, the best way to bring your pet’s regular food would be in a container with the label of your pet’s name.
You can get a small discount on pet food containers through our affiliate link.
A mix of your rabbit’s pellets, hay, and fresh herbs would be appropriate.
In addition, it is helpful to notify your practitioner of any allergy or food intolerance your pet rabbit may have.
A useful tip is to make your rabbit eat as soon as the surgery is completed, especially after the anesthesia wears off – the sooner they eat, the speedier the recovery!
Can I Bring another Pet with me on My Rabbit’s Surgery Day?
The day of the spaying surgery can be stressful for your beloved pet rabbit.
Since rabbits are typically gregarious in nature, bringing along another pet rabbit that they have positively acquainted with for over a month or so, can certainly cheer your pet rabbit due to the moral support.
Another important consideration to bring your pet rabbit patient’s mate is to avoid any violent rejection your pet rabbit might experience coming home from the animal hospital due to the unfamiliar and strange smell.
This is definitely a situation you should avoid as it is not a pleasant experience for your pet rabbit during their recovery period.
It is best to inform the medical provider if you will be doing so, as they might need to accommodate them with an extra cage for your pet patient’s buddy.
However, bringing a pet that your pet rabbit has never met or bonded with beforehand is a big no.
This may only add unnecessary stress to your pet patient rabbit, and surgery day is not the day to conduct social introductions.
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