So you are looking to keep a rabbit as a pet?
We don’t blame you; they are absolutely adorable creatures! They are quite easy to fall in love with their large ears, hoppy legs, and super soft fur.

If we talk about the different rabbit breeds out there to keep as pets, one popular choice is the French lop rabbits.
They are not only an excellent choice as pets for adults but also for children.
This article will discuss everything you need to know about French lop rabbits care if you are considering keeping one in your home.
Are French Lop Rabbits Good Pets?
Yes, absolutely! French Lop rabbits can be great pets.
These tiny creatures are friendly, social, and easy to care for. They can also be trained quite easily.
This is why they are considered to be excellent pets for any home.
French lop rabbits, or Frenchies, love to socialize with people. Hence, you can find them hopping around you all day.
Once they become accustomed to you, they will not shy away or run away from you.
However, since these bunnies are larger than the regular type of rabbits, they are not well suited for small spaces and apartments.
They want a large place to move around, play, and dwell.
This is why they may also require a bit of a learning curve for beginners who are taking care of rabbits for the first time.
All in all, French lop rabbits are a great pet for nearly everyone.
Also read: Holland Lop vs. Mini Lop
Are French Lops Friendly?
Yes, French lops are extremely friendly and make great pets.
They are very docile and love to be around people, and they tend to bond very closely with their owners.
Lops are one of the best breeds for first-time rabbit owners because they are so easy to care for and don’t require a lot of attention.
They’re also very quiet animals, so you don’t have to worry about them making a lot of noise in your home.
Overall, French lops make great companions and provide hours of enjoyment for their owners.
So if you’re looking for a bunny that will keep you entertained, a French lop may be the right choice for you!
How to Care for French Lop Rabbits
As mentioned earlier, these large rabbits make for wonderful pets.
If you are considering keeping one in your home, there are some care tips you should be mindful of.
Here’s everything you need to know about caring for French lop rabbits:
French lops have a short coat of fur, which means that you don’t need to brush or groom them often.
However, their coat will require a bit more attention and work when they are shedding their fur.
You will only need to comb, brush, or groom their fur once a week. However, you will need to increase the frequency to twice or thrice a week during shedding season.
Rabbit Enclosures
Due to their larger size, French lops require bigger enclosures than typical rabbits.
They should be able to stand, stretch, and move comfortably in their cages.
Whether you keep the cage indoors or outdoors, it should definitely be on the larger end of the scale.
If you plan to keep the French lops’ cage outdoors, ensure you have adequately protected it from environmental factors such as rain, heat, sun, and snow.
Once you have set up your rabbit’s enclosure, make sure that you add enough padding to make it comfortable for them.
You can use the same padding on the floor of their cage for their bed.
French lops spend most of their time outside of their enclosure. They should be let outdoors and move around freely within your home.
However, they do sometimes need some time alone, which is why they need an enclosure for themselves.
Weather Conditions
Since French lop rabbits don’t have a thick coat, they do not do well during the winters.
They might feel cold frequently, so you should keep a blanket in their cage that they can sleep on.
Bunnies in general also do not do well in extreme heat. Hence, you should not let your French lop rabbits outside of the house for too long.
Whenever they go outdoors or to your yard, make sure you are monitoring.
Bunnies are intelligent creatures and may somehow find a way to escape.
Bunny-Proofing the House
When you let your bunny out of their cage, ensure that you have adequately bunny-proofed the house.
They tend to have a habit of chewing on cables, wires, and cords. Remove any such things they can get their teeth around out of their sight or reach.
Moreover, French lop rabbits also love to gnaw at fabrics. Hence you should also remove any clothes, carpets, or any such thing they could potentially damage.
Chewing Toys
As mentioned earlier, rabbits have a habit of chewing on cords and anything they could get their teeth on.
Instead, it’s best that you provide them with chew toys to play with so that they don’t get destructive when they are bored.
What Do French Lop Rabbits Eat?
French lop rabbit’s diet is not different from any other rabbit. Hence, you should feed them unlimited hay and provide fresh water to them at all times.
Their diet should contain about 70% of hay, and the rest should consist of fresh vegetables and rabbit pellets.
Lastly, you can also feed your French lop rabbits with fruits occasionally as a treat. Make sure that you provide access to water and hay for your rabbit at all times.
Lifespan and Health of French Lop Rabbits
The average lifespan of a French lop rabbit is between five and seven years.
However, there is a slight chance that they may suffer from health issues that might affect this.
Moreover, how you care for them may also influence your French lop rabbit’s lifespan.
For the most part, French lop rabbits would likely not suffer from any health issues if they were well taken care of. Otherwise, they may face the following health issues:
Dental Issues
Dental issues, especially overgrown teeth, are common among French lop rabbits that have a poor diet.
To prevent this, you must keep an eye on their teeth and see if the enamel or growth is not disturbed.
Make sure you provide them with a diet that is high in leafy vegetables and good-quality hay.
Keep a check on your rabbit’s eating habits. If he does not take a sufficient diet and passes fewer pellets, open his mouth and check the teeth if they are overgrowing and causing pain.
A balanced and proper diet will also make sure to prevent digestive problems. Otherwise, your rabbits may have diarrhea.
Weight Gain
Another common health issue amongst French lop rabbits that might be detrimental to their health is relating to their weight.
This might be difficult for you to spot due to their large size. If your rabbit is overweight, it can lead to further health problems.
This is why you must keep checking your rabbit’s weight and provide them with a balanced diet.
Moreover, also provide them with space so that they can move around and exercise.
Also read: How to Get a Rabbit to Gain Weight?
If you or your rabbit do not groom their fur regularly, flies may begin to lay their eggs on their fur.
After hatching, there is a chance that maggots start eating their skin, which is quite dangerous and painful for them.
Ear Mites
Similarly, there is another threat of mites.
These tend to attack animals such as dogs, cats, and rabbits.
If you notice that your French hop tends to shake his head vigorously and frequently, he might have these mites.
Wool Block
This is a serious and sometimes life-threatening problem amongst french lop rabbits.
The rabbit may eat their fur, which ends up becoming a furball in their stomach.
In these situations, the rabbit loses its appetite as they feel full every time. This furball may block the digestive tract and become fatal for the rabbit.
So to be sure, keep a check on your French Lop Rabbit diet and eating pattern.
How Big Do French Lop Rabbits Get?
This is another common question regarding French lop rabbits because of their large size.
They should typically weigh between ten to fifteen pounds.
Similarly, their ears should hang below their jaw and be between five and eight meters in length.
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