Can You Use Rabbit Poop for Fertilizer?

On average, rabbits can poop about 200-300 pellets a day.

Although these pellets are pea-sized, they can accumulate pretty quickly with how frequently rabbits poop.

Fortunately, rabbit poop can go to good use in the garden.

It’s a very effective and potent fertilizer. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use rabbit poop as fertilizer.

Benefits of Rabbit Poop for Fertilizer

Rabbit poop has many benefits when using it as fertilizer.

It can often be the more superior option to cow, horse, and chicken manure. 

Rabbit Poop Is Rich in Nutrients

First, rabbit poop contains high volumes of elements that plants need to thrive. It’s rich in:

  • Nitrogen 
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium

Let’s take a look at why those ingredients are so essential. 


Nitrogen helps plants capture more sunlight energy.

This is an essential step in photosynthesis and enables plants to grow more substantial foliage. 


Plants need phosphorus for photosynthesis and cell growth.

Phosphorus helps carry genetic code from one generation of plants to the next generation. 


Potassium is vital in plant growth because it aids plants to become strong and hardy. It strengthens plants to withstand droughts and use water efficiently.

Potassium can also help plants yield better quality fruit and vegetables. 

Other Components 

Rabbit poop also contains other nutritional components for plants, including the following:

  • Boron
  • Calcium
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Sulfur
  • Zinc

Rabbit Poop Is Convenient (Ready-to-Use)

Unlike chicken or cow manure, rabbit poop doesn’t need composting.

It’s ready to use right away. It also doesn’t have a strong odor compared to other waste. Since it comes in dry pellets, it’s easy to distribute evenly. 

Rabbit poop is organic matter that can help repair and restore soil composition. It dissolves quickly into the soil so it can drain and retain water better.

Since rabbit poop dissolves easily, you don’t have to worry about it burning plant roots. You also don’t have to compost it. However, you can add it to a compost pile to enhance it. 

You can also use rabbit poop year-round. It can revitalize soil in the winter months. It also helps plants during the growing season by adding an extra boost of nutrients. 

Rabbit Poop Attracts Worms

Worms enjoy eating rabbit poop. Some people will even place earthworms underneath rabbit hutches to help compost rabbit poop.

Worms make outstanding contributions to improving soil quality. They increase aeration and recycle organic matter in the soil. 

Their poop can contain high amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. It also introduces beneficial bacteria into the soil, which ultimately help plants grow. 

Worms also attract other animals that can protect your garden. Birds and frogs eat worms, and they also eat harmful pests that damage plants. 

Some Disadvantages of Rabbit Poop

There are many significant advantages to rabbit poop, but it also has some disadvantages. 

Rabbit Poop Attract Flies

Gardeners aren’t the only ones that appreciate rabbit poop. It’s also a tasty snack for flies and maggots.

Therefore, if you use rabbit poop, distribute it in areas far away from your house. You can also compost it first. 

Rabbit poop takes about three to five days to compost. You can add water to speed up the process.

However, this method attracts even more flies. So, place the mixture in a far corner of your garden. 

Rabbit Poop Attracts Mice and Rats

Mice, rats, and other rodents can consume rabbit poop for nutrients. Not only do these pests leave their own droppings, but they can carry diseases.

Rats and mice can be hosts of salmonella and hantavirus. They also breed quickly, so it doesn’t take long for an infestation to break out. 

Rats also find the droppings of domesticated rabbits more favorable than wild rabbits’ droppings.

Domestic rabbits typically eat high-quality, well-balanced diets. Therefore, their droppings are more nutritious. 

Other Pets May Eat Rabbit Poop

Some dogs may take to eating rabbit poop. Fortunately, rabbit poop isn’t poisonous.

Parasites also don’t get transmitted through it. However, it can still be an unpleasant habit to see your dog eating rabbit poop. 

If you have many wild rabbits in your yard, the poop can become unsightly. Your dog can also end up consuming soil as they eat rabbit poop. 

If there’s an overpopulation of wild rabbits, you can contact a humane wildlife removal service.

These services can safely remove rabbits from your yard. They’ll relocate these rabbits to a better place where they can forage without disruptions.

How to Use Rabbit Poop as Fertilizer

Fertilizing gardens with rabbit poop can be a low-maintenance job.

You can either spread it immediately onto soil or compost it first. 

Using Non-Composted Rabbit Poop

Rabbit poop can go directly into your soil.

Since it has a high amount of nitrogen, a little will go a long way. All you have to do is lightly sprinkle the pellets around your plants.

The rabbit poop can stay directly on top of the soil. You can also dig a couple of inches around your plants.

Then, place several pellets inside and cover them up with dirt. If you keep rabbit poop on the surface, you can easily see it dissolve. However, it can attract mice and rats

Burying pellets underneath the surface can deter pests. You’ll just have to keep track of the days you laid out the rabbit poop.

If you want to keep the pellets on the surface, try rodent-proofing your garden with the following steps. 

Build a Barrier 

One thing you can do is pitch a fence around your garden.

Make sure to use grid hardware cloth because rodents can burrow underneath walls. 

Add a Rodent-Repelling Scent

You can also build a wall of herbs around your plants. Rats don’t like the smell of:

  • Mint 
  • Basil
  • Garlic
  • Thyme 

These herbs can discourage pets from attempting to reach your garden. 

Another smell that rats don’t like is onions. So, you can try placing onion slices around your garden.

Just make sure to replace them every couple of days. There’s a good chance the rats can return once the smell of onions weakens. 

Composting Rabbit Poop

Another way you can apply rabbit poop as fertilizer is by composting it.

There are several methods of composting you can try. 

Compost Pile

One method of composting is mixing the rabbit poop with equal parts of straw and wood chips. You can add other organic items such as leaves and lawn clippings. 

Thoroughly mix all the components until they’re well-blended. Then, spray some water just to moisten up the mixture. Don’t overwater it and make it muddy. 

Next, cover up the mixture with a tarp. Uncover it every other week to mix it. Only water when necessary and when the mixture is too dry. It can take several months for the mix to compost fully. 

Composting With Worms

Composting with worms can help speed up composting. Worms will consume matter and digest it to break it up.

Since worms like rabbit poop, they have no problem digesting them. 

When composting with worms, just make sure to drill holes in the bins. There should be drainage holes and ventilation holes near the top. 

You can also place a pallet underneath the bin. The pallet can help drain the bins after they get watered.

However, it will still take a couple of months to complete the process. 

Compost Tea

Another method of composting is making compost tea. Compost tea steeps elements in water to draw out their nutrients and minerals.

The water becomes nutrient-dense and ready to use on plants. 

Using rabbit poop for compost tea is highly effective. All you need are five gallons of water for every two cups of rabbit poop.

  1. Pour the rabbit poop into the water and stir. 
  2. Let the pellets soak and cover up the mixture. 
  3. Only uncover it once a day to stir. The pellets usually break down within three to five days. 

Placing the mixture container in warm and sunny spots can speed up the process. Also, this mixture attracts flies. So, make sure to set it up at a decent distance from your house. 

Once the pellets have broken down, the tea is ready for use. Water your plants with this tea for a boost of nourishment in the growing season. 

Making compost tea with rabbit pellets is a quicker way to fertilize your plants. It’s just as effective as composting.

So, if you’re short on time, make a quick compost tea for your garden. 


Rabbit poop is an excellent fertilizer. It’s convenient to use, doesn’t have a strong odor, and is nutrient-dense.

You can fertilize your garden with rabbit poop using several different non-composting and composting methods. 

Now that you know rabbit poop is safe for your garden, make sure to check it out.

If you don’t have pet rabbits, you can easily purchase rabbit poop from online stores.

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